Motion synthesis for controlling a virtual ball in real-time
Jongin Choi,Major of Game Contents, Youngsan University
Jounghum Kwon,Major of VR Contents, Youngsan University
Manually creating and editing the motion of a character handling a ball is a very cumbersome task because the character’s motion must be synchronized with the movement of the ball in time and space according to the laws of physics. Thus, we propose a convenient way to automatically synthesize character animation for the control of a ball by using motion capture data. Because it is difficult for a beginner to control a ball skillfully, we do not use an actual ball. Instead, we capture motions that mimic the control of a ball. We analyze the motion capture data to find the frames and locations where the character interacts with the ball and create ball movement that follows the laws of physics. We can then synthesize character animation for the depiction of ball control in real time.
Character Animation, Physics-Based Animation, Virtual Reality.
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